The Importance of a First Impression

Seven seconds. That’s all the time you get to make a first impression on someone. Even less online! As you can imagine, seven seconds is barely time to say more than a few words. So the way we present ourselves has a huge impact on how others perceive us. 

It’s important to understand that these quick impressions, or judgments, are not intentionally harsh or malicious. It’s simply the way our brains work and are a product of the society in which we live. We all do it subconsciously.

Think of it as a survival mechanism

Our personal environments are flooded every day with more stimuli than our brains can handle. Between our day-to-day tasks, social media, advertising, and the media in general, we are overwhelmed with noise. Our brains quickly filter information for us because the alternative is far too overwhelming. Basically, it comes down to us trying to quickly judge if a situation/person is safe, trustworthy, and relevant. 

First impressions matter

Of course, what matters the most is what’s on the inside: who we are, our values, authentic selves, talents, and feelings. You have so much to share with the world! Our goal is to be seen and heard. It’s a shame to be passed up for a promotion, not close the sale, not book the client, and have opportunities closing because our outward appearance isn’t sending the message we intend. Within our fast-paced society, it’s imperative that we are able to cut through the noise by sending the right message with our image so that we can have more opportunities to share what’s on the inside. 

Curating excellent first impressions

Particularly in our current virtual environment, we want to quickly and intentionally create a positive impression. A coordinated and flattering wardrobe is one easy way to portray an authentic representation of ourselves. Dressing in a polished and harmonized way gives one instant credibility and exudes professionalism, reliability, and responsibility. 

There are so many stories of people passed over for jobs for which they were more than qualified. Often, those folks are told that the way they present themselves reflects poorly on themselves and the company. Right or wrong, first impressions make a difference. I want the best for you and I want you to be able to chase after all of your dreams. I know how impactful positive impressions can be for your life. I want to teach you to use your wardrobe as a tool. 

Wardrobe is a tool

Your wardrobe is a powerful tool when used correctly. Be intentional about how you present yourself. Onyx stylists are experts in creating excellent first impressions. We will teach you how to use your wardrobe as the powerful tool it is. You will feel confident in your image and ready to step out of your comfort zone. You feel more confident presenting in front of your coworkers, taking a sales call with a new client, and even meeting new people. If you’re ready to level up your image and start creating excellent first impressions, inquire with us today to set up a complimentary 30-minute consultation.


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